Entre les murs, di laurent cantet lultimo spettacolo. The class entre les murs 2008 trailer english subs. While i wouldnt say that i loved it, it was very good on multiple levels. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Laurent cantet scenario, robin campillo scenario 2 more credits. Laurent cantet was born on june 15, 1961 in melle, deuxsevres, france. Retrouvez lentretien dans son integralite sur le site derenlai. It illuminates the truelife realities of the social conjuncturethe school and educational system. The class is a 2008 french drama film directed by laurent cantet, based on the 2006 novel of. Entre les murs 1, theoretical analysis entre les murs presents a new cinematographic style that pushes away borders of reality to build it. Nov 27, 2008 laurent cantets movie the class or entre les murs between the walls looks at a group of french students as they go through a year of high school. The title of begaudeaus novel, entre les murs, translates literally as.
The palme dor winning film entre les murs the class couldnt be more deserving of the award, or the chance at winning an oscar to go along with it. We go 1on1 with director laurent cantet to talk about his upcoming schoolyard drama, the class. Dec 21, 2008 the class entre les murs effectively demonstrates that school can be as nervousmaking and fraught for teachers firsttime or veteran as for students. Laurent cantets drama about the lessons of a young peoples writing class is laboured, inert and utterly unconvincing. I say eitheror because i wanted to admit ahead of time that i could be wrong. The class entre les murs high school drama in a class of its own. In 2008, it was adapted to film by laurent cantet, also called entre les murs. I am making a single now called entre les murs the films french title that talks about the experience of the film.
Laurent cantet, robin campillo and francois begaudeau. Francois is played by coscreenwriter francois begaudeau, who was himself a teacher and wrote a bestselling autobiography entitled entre les murs between the walls about his experiences. Cantets films typically revolve around the tension between the individual, the group and the broader society and often involve moments of intense shame or embarrassment when individuals feel themselves judged by others who see the world differently. The prize could have easily been named the golden apple rather than the the golden palm since it went to the class entre les murs, the laurent cantet film about a young teacher who tries to reach his class of primarily immigrant children in a school on the outskirts of paris. On 25 may 2008, he received the palme dor at the 2008 cannes film festival, for the film entre les murs. The class, winner of the palme dor at the 2008 cannes film festival, is a film where i either missed or didnt get the point. Laurent cantet s entre les murs has been given the english title, the class, but intramural would have served much better.
This article examines the spatial representation of cultural mixite in the latest film by laurent cantet. To ask other readers questions about entre les murs, please sign up. Feb 26, 2009 laurent cantet s followup to his prizewinning the class focuses on a secret society of highschool girls. Star francois begaudeau writes a screenplay, based on his own book and experiences, about the trials and tribulations caused by the oftentimes volatile relationship between teacher and. The class entre les murs high school drama in a class. His 2001 film lemploi du temps was placed at 99 on slant magazines best films of the 2000s, number 9 of the guardians best films of the noughties, and number 11 at the a. True to this pattern, entre les murs begins with its hero as an apparently isolated and independent. Yet french director laurent cantet does something miraculous with it in this fresh piece of humanist, realist. Laurent cantet s entre les murs the class, awarded the palme dor by unanimous decision of the jury, and termed a seamless movie by president sean penn, is a slippery piece of work. Laurent cantet is a french director, cinematographer and screenwriter. Laurent cantet s the class may transpire in a familiar setting an upper junior high school classroom but the way in which the story unfolds is anything but conventional.
Work evidently fascinates laurent cantet, the richly imaginative french. The film was the recipient of the prestigious palm dor at the 2008 cannes film festival. One of its bestknown proponents is alain finkielkraut, who took so sharply against entre les murs in the name of a purer, more traditional form of republican education. The novel is a semiautobiographical account of begaudeaus experiences as a french language and literature teacher in. Entretien avec laurent cantet a propos du film entre les murs. It was filmed with three digital cameras over the course of a school year. The class entre les murs is a film directed by laurent cantet with francois begaudeau, nassim amrabt, laura baquela, cherif bounaidja rachedi, year. Between the walls is a work of contemporary fiction by french writer. It takes the form of a close reading of entre les murs 2008, which, while illustrating well the failings of french education and specifically its republican ideals of assimilation, appears also to endorse the benign authoritarianism of the one teacher featured and to frame the. Entre les murs2008 study guide compiled by sarah leahy. Entre les murs french mass market paperback mar 22 2007.
Cinema scope spotlight entre les murs laurent cantet. Its also an effective way for the class entre les murs to demonstrate that first days at school can be as nervousmaking and fraught for teachers firsttime or veteran as for students. The students are also nonprofessionals, and classroom sessions were improvised from workshops around specific themes. Oct 19, 2011 entre les murs1, theoretical analysis entre les murs presents a new cinematographic style that pushes away borders of reality to build it. En 2008, laurent cantet a realise le film entre les murs dans lequel il a meme joue le role principal. Entre les murs can be seen as reflexive and realist. Entre les murs is poorly written in its dry dialogueled realism with only a few selected moments of a decent, but mainly sarcastic irony. Strictly speaking, this is not a documentary, although it contains more reality and truth than last years patently artificial american teen. The class is high school drama in a class of its own. Work evidently fascinates laurent cantet, the richly imaginative french writerdirector who has explored that theme from different angles. Laurent cantet s wildly diverse oeuvre takes another turn with this absorbing improvised docudrama revolving around teacherpupil relationships in a school.
Cantet worked with begaudeau on the script for the class, using the material from the book as a jumpingoff point for the development of the eventual storyline. His parents were schoolteachers in ardilleux his 2001 film lemploi du temps was placed at 99 on slant magazines best films of the 2000s, number 9 of the guardians best films of the noughties, and number 11 at the a. With francois begaudeau, agame malemboemene, angelica sancio, arthur fogel. Laurent cantets wildly diverse oeuvre takes another turn with this absorbing improvised docudrama revolving around teacherpupil relationships in a school.
It was the kind of coincidence that doesnt happen in a laurent cantet film. Between the walls is a 2008 french drama film directed by laurent cantet, based on the 2006 novel of the same name by francois begaudeau. What an extraordinary film is laurent cantets the class. Sep 22, 2010 we go 1on1 with director laurent cantet to talk about his upcoming schoolyard drama, the class. Neither stuffy nor severe, his extravagant frankness often takes the students by surprise.
The class aka entre les murs is a film that is certain to be divisive in some way, whether it be with the borderline slavish devotion to realism or the teacher at the center of the story. Laurent cantets entre les murs and mythologies of republican education. Laurent cantets entre les murs the class, awarded the palme dor by unanimous decision of the jury, and termed a seamless movie by president sean penn, is a slippery piece of work. Entre les murs isnt quite as bleak as this earlier film and there are some lighter moments, yet it doesnt shirk from showing the grim reality of life in an inner city classroom. He is a director and writer, known for the class 2008, human resources 1999 and retour a ithaque 2014. Frankly speaking, the reason why i found this book interesting is mainly comparative, thinking to the italian system of education. Based on the description on the back of the dvd case i wrongly assumed this would be another teacher takes on a class of troubled innercity youth and turns them around type films. The classis based on a book by francois begaudeau, a 36yearold. It partially reinforces the seemingly benign authoritarianism and facile hero worship inherent in the blackboard jungle paradigm, while half. Laurent cantet s movie the class or entre les murs between the walls looks at a group of french students as they go through a year of high school. En 2008, laurent cantet a realise le film entre les murs dans lequel il a meme.
Entre les murs was adapted for the big screen in 2008 under the direction of laurent cantet, who felt a special kinship with the protagonist of the book because both of his parents were school teachers. Laurent cantets entre les murs the class, awarded the palme dor by. In what follows, i will essentially argue that, rather than committing to any one of these understandings of republican educational mythology, cantet s film holds them in tension, forcing us to work out where we stand. Laurent cantet on filming foxfires teenage energy and despair the awardwinning french director talks about the challenge of adapting joyce carol oates novel about a secret society of teenage. When pupils have to read aloud from a set book, the diary of anne frank, a girl called khoumba. The french director has taken a story that of an idealistic young teacher confronted with the rawness of an innercity high school that lesser film makers would have treated with kid gloves, doused with honey. Based on begaudeaus semiautographical book entre les murs between the walls the class dramatizes a year in the life of a middle school in an immigrant heavy, multiracial neighborhood in paris. Spotlight entre les murs laurent cantet, france cinema scope. Entre les murs laurent cantet to find out more about this title and to purchase by paypalcard please follow this link to my new dolanguages site which combines french, german and spanish resources in one place. Teacher and novelist francois begaudeau plays a version of himself as he negotiates a year with his racially mixed students from a tough parisian neighborhood. Essay on french film entre les murs theoretical analysis. Haut et court firm documents the process of creating a script and making a film based on the book entre les murs, which describes a teachers experiences in a french public school.
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